Special roundtable talk

Kaoru Fukazawa Partner
Kei Maeda Unit Leader
Michael Tabart Partner

Unmatched consulting that boosts the possibility of business.

-- I think that the term “transfer pricing consulting” is unfamiliar to students. First of all, please describe what you consider to be the value of the transfer pricing service.

Maeda The first thing I would like them to understand is that we are not calculating tax, although tax affairs are at the foundation. While the tax authorities of countries desire to increase tax income, you may inhibit the development of a global business if it is involved in a tug-of-war between countries, resulting in double taxation. We support global businesses of companies appropriately and maintain the appropriate amount of tax. This is where our fundamental value lies.

Fukazawa For this purpose, we learn all about companies’ businesses and evaluate even their intangible assets, such as their technologies, to present appropriate transfer prices. This process requires an extremely high level of knowledge and analyses. We can say that we are indispensable as long as there are national boundaries and taxes.

Tabart For transfer pricing, there is no clear rule such as “This amount of tax is appropriate for this product.” We must achieve the optimal solution for every single case that will satisfy the tax authorities of each country. Accordingly, the entire process is dependent on the knowledge of humans. While people say that the extraordinary evolution of IT will significantly affect the jobs of tax accountants, judicial scriveners, and similar professionals, I believe that AI will never replace humans in our domain.

Maeda We have only one objective; that is, to keep catering to the diverse needs of our clients. However, the method of fulfilling these needs differs from consultant to consultant. I consider this professional job to be extremely rewarding.

Fukazawa In addition, in a way, our job also encourages companies to take on new challenges, such as starting a new business and acquiring an overseas company. We can delve deep into a company’s organization or the essential part of a business, which makes this job extremely attractive. It really is an interesting job, isn’t it?

Tabart By accumulating such knowledge, you are able to see how things in the world are moving from a higher perspective, aren’t you? It is possible that there is no better environment for starting one’s career as a working member of society.


Deloitte’s strength lies in its people.

-- Where is Deloitte’s strength that it boasts of having, despite there being numerous consulting firms?

Tabart People often refer to our global network or a similar element, but this is something that all of the Big 4 firms have. I think that ultimately, it is who is here, or our people. We work with amazing people. This is why outstanding young people join us. It automatically improves the value that we provide to our clients as well. We have such a virtuous circle. I have at least been striving to create an organization like this.

Fukazawa At Deloitte, we have a strong goal of working on projects together as a team, in contrast to cases where a firm has only aggressive people with strong character who proceed with work in a self-righteous manner. I think that this is because we have a corporate culture of respecting each other.

Maeda We respect the distinctive character of every single person because we attach greater importance to our people than anything else. Expressions such as “Open” and “Flat” sound banal, but there is no doubt that our organization is mature in terms of communications. This is true of other functions as well, so it is extremely enjoyable and inspiring to work together with them.

Fukazawa We are deeply involved in our clients’ businesses, and we can provide diverse solutions in a cross-functional manner. Accordingly, we are ready to provide consultations on a variety of matters other than transfer pricing. If you become a Partner, you will often be requested to provide advice concerning organizations and businesses.

Tabart It is true that the Big 4 brand is highly influential. However, we are not adhering to it, are we? While all team members belong to the organization, we are not dependent on it. We are sure that we would not be concerned if the company went bankrupt. These team members can work competitively anywhere else.


Show us everything you’ve got now.

-- What kinds of human resources are in demand for transfer pricing services?

Fukazawa Having a desire to fulfill an active role on a global stage is a fundamental requirement. Another requirement is being curious about everything, because you need to understand the businesses of companies and tax affairs extensively. I also think that you have to be able to think on your own, because our job is to find and demonstrate the optimal solutions.

Maeda While our job requires expertise, what matters most is that we are relied on by our clients. Communication capabilities for sensing the feelings of others and eliciting their needs are essential. It often happens that …

Tabart You just show off your knowledge without listening to your client. [Laughter] I understand that when you have developed yourself and acquired knowledge, you feel the urge to show it to others.

Maeda We solve problems. Failing to do so means that we lose business. Having communication capabilities does not mean being good at talking. I think it is important to be considerate of others and good at listening to them.

Tabart In job interviews, we are often asked, “What should I do to learn about transfer pricing?”, aren’t we? I personally think that you should do the things you can only do while you are a student, though.

Fukazawa They ask us, “What books should I read?” Even if you gain knowledge from books, you won’t find out what it is like until you actually do it. [Laughter] I want them to experience this dynamic job on site. I would like them to study and play with full force until then.

Maeda Many of the required elements have been presented. As for me, I would like to meet a variety of people and accept the unique personal qualities and ideas of every single person to the fullest extent. In fact, in the transfer pricing service team, we have people with diverse nationalities and backgrounds, and this diversity is our strength.

Tabart At Deloitte, we always want to develop young Partners, regardless of age, nationality, or gender. I certainly look forward to meeting people who are highly motivated to take on challenges.


Messages to students

Kaoru Fukazawa Partner

At Deloitte, we have excellent human resources with diverse backgrounds. There are so many diverse people that we have no room to be concerned about the diversity issue. [Laughter] Let’s enjoy this dynamic job together in this attractive team!

Kei Maeda Unit Leader

This job requires a high level of knowledge and capabilities. However, no one has all the required elements from the very start. Please give it a go with everything you’ve got now. We will acknowledge your feelings to the fullest extent.

Michael Tabart Partner

All of the Partners we have now are so reliable that we believe they could fulfill active roles in almost any industry. Deloitte is the company that was desired and chosen by these people. Honestly, this job is a lot of fun!